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Tretinoin FAQUpdated a year ago

Which products should be avoided with tretinoin and how to incorporate those other products with it:

Q: What products should I avoid when using tretinoin? 

A: When using tretinoin, it's best to be cautious when using potent ingredients, such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), as they can increase the risk of skin irritation and dryness. Additionally, harsh scrubs, toners with alcohol, and abrasive cleansers should be avoided as they can further sensitize the skin.

Q: Can I use moisturizers and sunscreen with tretinoin? 

A: Yes, moisturizers and sunscreen are essential when using tretinoin. Tretinoin can cause dryness and increased sensitivity to the sun, so it's crucial to keep the skin moisturized and protected from UV radiation. Look for gentle, non-comedogenic moisturizers and broad-spectrum sunscreens with SPF 30 or higher to use during the day.



Q: How should I introduce tretinoin into my DRMTLGY skincare routine? 

A: When incorporating tretinoin into your skincare routine, it's important to start slow and gradually increase the frequency of use to allow your skin to adjust. Skin cycling is an excellent and simple strategy to use as a guide when cycling through actives, including tretinoin.

Example of evening routine with NLS:

Cleanser: Pre-cleansing Oil

Cleanser: Essential Cleanser

Toner: Neutralizing Toner

Serum: Needle-less Serum

Eye Cream: Advanced Eye Cream

~(Let skin dry fully before applying Retinol)~

Treatment: Tretinoin

Moisturizer: Peptide Night Cream

DRMTLGY products that support tretinoin users:


Pre-cleansing Oil

Essential Cleanser 


Neutralizing Toner


Vitamin C E F

Needle-less serum

Hydration Booster 10x

Makeup No.1 Primer


Water Crème Moisturizer

Soothe and Recovery Cream

Peptide Night Cream

Vitamin C5

Advanced Neck Cream

Eye Treatments:

Advanced Eye Cream

Brightening Eye Masks


Broad Spectrum SPF 45

Universal Tinted Moisturizer SPF 46

Day Dream SPF 40

Physical Tinted Moisturizer SPF44 

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